woot for quizzes lol
Name: Avalon
Magick/Public Name: my username almost anywhere is avylonw,but i kinda figured my given name was magical enough, didn't need or want to change it.
Location: Iowa, USA
Video/Computer/Board games: Luv minigames, flashgames and such, racing games and mindlessly blowing up things, woot! for board games, i'll play just about anything, i really like trivia games.
Tatoos/Piercings: my ears a pierced, other than that nothing
Full Moon or Dark Moon: Full Moon
Are you male/female: Female
Do you prefer male/female: Male
Read?(If yes, what book(s) are you reading now):I luv to read! right now i'm reading Obernewtyn by Jsobelle Carmody, it's alright, but i've read better.
Democrat/Republican/Other: *sigh* politics.. I'm not exactly sure what my political stand is, but has anyone read Atlas Shrugged? well i probably believe something like what that says.
Color: Deep purples and blues
Mythological/metaphysical creature: Dragons probably, although I love reading stories involving various Fae creatures.
Pantheon of Gods: Probably the Norse, but I can't say I know too much about many pantheons
Time in history:ooo.. really good question, I love midevil based stories, but like.. living in that time period would stink.
Animal: otter? maybe.. i'm not sure, too many wonderful animals out there
Incense: probably sandalwood
Herb: don't really have one, haven't gotten much into herb-lore, i think thyme is funny.. 'cause you can have thyme in a bottle..
Stone/crystal: idk, diamonds are a girls best friend, and my birthstone..
Beverage: a good Irish Breakfast tea.
Food: I don't really have one, but at the moment i'm inclined to say twice backed potatoes
Form of divination: I read tarot, but runes look really cool
Music genre: anything that isn't rap or screamo
Movie: Princess Bride
Jewelry: a bracelet my dad had made for me, it's simple and pretty
Pagan/Wicca/Witch/Other: I call my religion Tvaan, which is simply a name a group of my friends on a online pagan thread came up with for that odd little Neo-Wiccan religion that seems to keep freaking trad. wiccans out because of name-theft.
Solitary/Coven/Magickal Partner: Solitary for now at least
Any Past Lives: I don't know what they were, but I assume I've had at least a couple.
Light/Dark: Light
Madien/Mother/Crone: Maiden
Son/Hero/Father (Child/Father/Spirit): ooo good question, hadn't thought of that, probably Hero
Solar/Lunar (day or night person): another good question, and I don't really know
Half Full/Empty: Full except for on off days
Wand/Athame: both?
Robed/Skyclad: Robed
Patron/Matron Deities: Haven't been identified beyond just the Goddess and God
Last time you cast a spell/ritual/prayer: Read my tarot cards about a week ago, last real ritual I did was at Imbolc, and I'm in the habit of praying in some way about every day, often more than once per day.
While filling this out, I once again realized how new I am to all of this, which is a major reason why I'm here, to learn and grow, I hope to have some great conversations with you all!